Dr. Gary Chapman's concept of Love Languages has taken the romantic world by storm. He suggests that people have preferences for how they communicate their love, and a mismatch in languages might cause miscommunication between couples. Chapman's ideas explain these conflicts to be an issue of communicating on different wavelengths, so as to speak.
Many of us are no stranger to his 5 Love Languages, namely:
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Receiving Gifts
3. Quality Time
4. Physical Touch
5. Acts of Service
But how can we put Dr. Chapman's ideas into practical use? Here are some fun date ideas that are customized based on the different love languages that we speak.
1. Words of Affirmation
Karaoke is a great way to keep your partner's language in mind, while having loads of fun! Pick the songs that speak how you feel about your partner and launch into a full-on serenade for him or her. Let your significant other know how much they mean to you through the meaningful words in a song that expresses how you feel. It works as a great cheat code if you're not great with words yourself!
Love letter writing is a fun and free date idea you can practically do anywhere! Grab yourself a piece of paper, your favourite pen, your significant other, and you're ready! Write a love letter for your significant other, while he/she does the same for you. This can be a bunch of fun when you read your mushy letters aloud to each other afterwards. It is also a good idea to keep these letters for rougher days in your relationship, when you might need a gentle reminder of your love after a heated argument.
2. Receiving Gifts
Daiso Dash - is what I like to call this game. Basically, head to your nearest Daiso, give each other a 2 dollar budget (or more, if you're willing), and a timeline (15 minutes to 30 minutes should work fine). Have each other pick out something fun that you each think your partner might appreciate. It is lots of fun to finally reveal what you got for your partner, and seeing what your partner got for you. This game can also be a good gauge of how well you really know each other. Obviously, this game doesn't have to be at a Daiso, but it is a great place for novel trinkets at a relatively affordable price.
Jigsaw puzzles are also a great way to showcase a physical emblem of your love. Shop together for a puzzle with an image of your preference, and gift it to your significant other. The catch is that both of you have to sit down and complete the puzzle together. The time that you and your partner invest into the puzzle will be symbolized by the beautiful piece of art that you eventually create. Frame it and hang it up for a constant reminder of your love.
3. Quality Time
Picnics could be a thoughtful idea for a significant other that speak the love language of Quality Time. Although remember not to make the date about the food and the ambience more so than your partner. You want your other half to be the subject of your date, and everything else is secondary. Picnics provide an opportunity for a short romantic getaway for the both of you to spend quality time together. But most importantly, no phones! Your partner might feel insulted that you are splitting your time and attention between your phones and them.
Hiking could be a great way to spend undivided time together as well. Being surrounded by nature can be a nice getaway that allows for you and your partner to get active while focusing on being with each other. Your partner will appreciate the quality time that you have put away to spend time on a hike with them.
4. Physical Touch
Take a couples dancing class together and explore how couples dancing can increase intimacy in your relationship. Couple dances like Salsa, Tango and Waltz increases the physical proximity between you and your significant other. It can be an extremely intimate act as you navigate the footsteps and create something beautiful together. Or for a cheaper alternative, YouTube tutorials at home work great for the budget as well. Bonus points for the privacy; now dance like nobody's watching!
Couples yoga is another activity that can help you and your partner build intimacy. Going for a couples class together works to relax both of you, as well as help you get fit together. Lately, classes for other forms of couples exercises have been popping up as well, so there are plenty of options for you and your significant other to explore!
5. Acts of Service
A cool idea for a date might be embarking on a DIT project, which stands for Do-It-Together! If your partner has been grumbling about certain issues that needs fixing or improvements, planning out a DIY project and then working on it together can be a lovely gesture.
Another idea is to simply prepare a meal. Cooking at home can be so much more romantic. A partner who speaks this love language would definitely appreciate a home-cooked meal more so than any generic restaurant fare. Spruce it up with some romantic candles or music, and you get your very own private dining experience!
Take note though, that many people have a mix of languages and do not exclusively prefer just one. Take the time to explore your partner's preferences and work around the ideas above. Remember that just like the languages we speak, love languages take time and practice to master.